Thursday, April 26, 2007


TELEVISION Recap, comments, and yes, lots of questions.

This episode should satisfy those who were down on the recent Hurley episode and didn’t care to learn about Paolo and Nikki. I was really glad to get an episode with Sun and Jin’s backstory. It may not serve to advance the overall plot, but it adds perspective and richness to their characters. We never get to see enough of them. Jin is hot and Sun is awesome!
Episode title DOC stands for date of conception, referring to Sun’s pregnancy. In the first scene, Jack checks in on Sun to see how her health is. She is skeptical of him and says he’s been different since he’s been back. Uh-huh. (As I’ve asked before, can we now not trust Jack, or is he just keeping a close watch on Juliet?) Sun thinks the Others may want her baby. Kate tells Sun that Juliet is their fertility doctor. Juliet takes Sun quietly in the night to the hatch we saw in Claire’s flashback and has convinced her that she can help determine the health and father of her baby. Sun doesn’t trust her but she wants answers – and gets some. Excellent acting by these two women who deliver a complete range of emotions.

The hatch has a secret room. As Juliet says, it’s where they bring the women to die. Did we see this room before? We have seen the cribs and baby toys.

Sun tells Juliet that Jin was infertile. But Juliet says that the average male sperm count is between 60-80 million but on the island it’s five times that. Wow!

It’s a no win situation for Sun – another Catch-22. They’ve been on the island around 90 days. Sun is 53 days pregnant. Had the baby been by the other guy, she would hurt Jin. But the baby, magically, is Jin’s, and since she got pregnant during her stay on the island, she won’t live through the third trimester.

Juliet and Sun have a happy moment viewing the ultrasound, learning it’s a healthy baby. It’s moments like this one where it feels easy to buy into Juliet. But we know she is not to be trusted. With Sun outside, Juliet picks up the recorder, addresses Ben, relates Sun’s info, mentions that she will be getting samples from the other women, including Austin (Kate, who has now slept with Sawyer!), turns off the recorder and then says “I hate you.” This statement reinforces that she is an unwilling participant.

Backstory: These scenes take place earlier than the backstory we’ve previously seen with Sun and Jin. As we see them setting up their home, Sun catches Jin in a lie about his mother, and later goes to his father, the fisherman who we saw in a previous episode, to find out why he wasn’t at their wedding. And, it’s possible that he may not really be Jin’s father! Maybe Jack has yet another half-brother he doesn’t know about…

Backstory Blackmail: The woman Sun meets on the park bench, who we learn is the mother Jin never knew, and is a prostitute, wants money for her silence about Jin’s parentage which would cause embarrassment to Sun’s family. Sun then goes and blackmails her father, asking for $100,000 to keep quiet about his shady deals, but also to pay off the woman. He agrees but says that Jin will no longer be a floor manager and will have to work for him. Ugh.

Jin finds the money in Sun’s purse. She lies to him, saying it was for a honeymoon and furniture. Jin says he doesn’t want to be in her father’s debt. But unbeknownst to him, he already is.

The Lost Boys: Desmond says they can’t let anyone know where they are, then Hurley fires off a flare into the air. Oops!

The woman who parachuted down and was found by Desmond, Hurley, Charlie and Jin speaks Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and finally English. What is the significance of her being multi-lingual? And was she in the same helicopter as the two men in the season two finale?

The first thing she says, in Spanish, is that she is dying, and we see her chest injury. When she speaks Italian to Mikail after he treats her puncture wound, he translates that she says thank you. She actually said “I’m not alone." So who was she with (Penny?) and where are they? Mikail saves her life, but only because the Lost Boys agreed to let him get away. Mikail says that the wounds heal differently on the island and she’ll be fine in a day, maybe a day and half.

We thought Mikail died, as Hurley said, in “the electro-fence thingy.” What happened there? (I’m sure he’s not like Claire on HEROES who can regenerate herself.) If things do heal that quickly, why haven’t we seen past victims come back to life?

Jin chases Mikail and fights him, twice, the second time recovering a phone.

Hurley later picks up the phone and says “Mom?” The parachute woman hears him and asks, in English, where she is. He tells her they were on Oceanic flight 815 and crashed there. She says that's impossible because the plane was found, but there were no survivors. How does she know this? Is it true? Was there was a press release, or a cover-up on the mainland? Could the Others have planted a duplicate plane? Are they in a parallel universe? Purgatory?