Thursday, May 3, 2007

LOST – The Brig

TELEVISION Here is a recap, thoughts, and just a few more questions…
We caught up with Locke, starting eight days ago. This flashback form (instead of backstory) is a good storytelling technique that works really well in order to spend time focusing on assorted castaways in other episodes. This was also well done on “Alias,” the other JJ Abrams show.
First question: In the opening shot, we see Locke reading files, then throwing them into the fire. What was that? Could the files we see later be false?

Did Ben really want to humiliate Locke in front of the Others or does he have yet another agenda? It seems like a lot of trouble to run Locke’s dad off the road, kidnap him and bring him to the island just to prove that Locke is not a miracle man. Richard tells Locke that Ben wanted to embarrass him so they wouldn’t think he was special – having been healed. Richard is also the one who passes the file onto Locke and recommends Sawyer. Ben obviously knew that Locke wouldn’t take revenge and kill his dad. But Ben keeps telling Locke that it’s he who brought his dad to the island. What’s up with that?
Having not harmed his dad in front of the Others, Ben picks up his cane and slugs Locke's dad in the neck. Ben then tells everyone that Locke is not who they thought he was. Locke later sees them pack up and leave him behind. Ben says he can join them if he brings his father to them. Why would he want to?
Locke’s dad asks “don’t you know where you are,” later suggesting they are in hell. This is probably just another metaphor, like the Magic Box. I don’t think the writers are going incorporate a hell theory after debunking the purgatory theory. When Locke's dad is talking with Sawyer, he repeats a question Charlie asked in the first episode: "If this isn't hell, then WHERE AHR WE?"
We started off the episode with a little humor as Locke sneaks up on Sawyer who has his pants down taking a leak. Sawyer is reluctant but follows Locke, barefoot, to the brig of a mid-19th century slave ship. Locke then locks him in a room with the man of a thousand aliases, Tom Sawyer being one of them. Sawyer then realizes this is the man responsible for conning his parents and for their ultimate deaths. I think we had some speculation about this but Locke/Sawyer connection and now it’s confirmed. There is a painful look on Sawyer’s face as he strangles TS with a chain. I assume he’s dead, but you never can be quite sure on this island. Though he has reasons for wanting his father dead, Locke is not a killer, which is why he enlisted Sawyer. From the final scene, it seems Locke still wants to be a part of the Others as he lugs the covered dead body.
Rousseau cooly walks in on Locke at the Black Rock, looking for dynamite. What’s she up to? She hears Sawyer banging on the door, but isn't phased by it, never asks, and just turns and walks out. Ha!
Desmond tells Charlie, Hurley and Jin to keep Juliet safe because she’s their way off the island. What does he have in mind?
The Lost Boys are hiding Naomi in a tent, who has a radio that Sayid says is so sophisticated he’s never seen one like it. But they can't send out a signal with it. So either the outgoing signal is being blocked or it’s not so sophisticated. She said Oceanic 815 was found off the coast Bali in an ocean trench four miles deep and all of the bodies were found aboard. Her helicopter took off from a ship 18 nautical miles west of the island (pretty specific.) Her company was hired by Penelope to find Desmond. Sayid asks Desmond if he actually saw her helicopter. Sayid asks all the right questions. Can we believe Naomi or could she be yet another spy for the Others?
No one trusts Jack because of Juliet. When Kate wants to talk privately to Jack about Naomi, he says he’ll talk only in front of Juliet. Does he really have some insight, or playing his own game, or is he being conned? Juliet cryptically says that they should tell Kate (What? What should they tell her??) But Jack says No! Juliet again has that I-am-so-mysterious look in her eyes and that half-smile again.

And I just can’t spend time watching the previews for the next episode. They are cryptic, inconclusive, and sometimes SPOIL the surprises of that episode. But I can’t wait for the next one!