Thursday, May 24, 2007

LOST – Through the Looking Glass

TELEVISION The writers and producers really delivered on this season finale with lots of action, resolutions and, of course, they can’t help but raise many more questions.

There were several things that should have tipped me off that we were watching Jack in scenes of the future. The first thing I noticed was his newer RAZR cell phone. What confused me were the references to Christian Shepherd, as if he were still alive. (Jack said: "Get my father down here. If I'm drunker than he is, you can fire me!") But if you notice the name of the funeral home, Hoffs/Drawlar is an anagram for Flash Forward. Also, the episode title refers not only to the hatch, and Charlie looking through the window at Mikail, but looking ahead to the future. Jack is a complete mess in the future: he is depressed for something that went down on the island, and as a result he’s willing to jump off a bridge, drinks too much and is dependant on pain killers. Apparently Oceanic has given the survivors a Golden Pass to fly anywhere, which Jack uses every Friday night not only as an escape but wishing he would crash and get back to the island – and not to mention the free drinks. His final words of the episode are: "We have to get back!" Jack is now perceived differently, having been referred to as a hero twice – once incorrectly for saving the woman on the bridge, and the other presumably for getting everyone off of the island. His realization that they should have stayed when confessing this to Kate parallels what Locke has been wanting all along. And who is Kate anxious to get back home to – a husband or perhaps a child?

It’s time to mourn Charlie, who did die a hero. He could have saved himself from drowning in the hatch, but then it would have meant that Claire and Aaron wouldn’t be saved. It’s funny how the writers used the tune to “Good Vibrations” as the code for the key pad, as well as referencing the underwater blast. Charlie’s last good deed was alerting Desmond that it was Not Penny’s Boat. I wondered how she magically happened to appear on that particular monitor at that particular moment. And that filthy one-eyed Mikhail better be dead this time!

Hurley was a hero too, driving that mini-van and running over an Other giving Sayid a chance to snap someone’s neck. Bernard wimped out when giving away the castaways' location, and lived up to his “I am a dentist, I am not Rambo” line to Rose. But Sawyer has no remorse when shooting the surrendering Tom, in the name of Walt. Sawyer has changed and become darker since killing Cooper, and now calls Kate, Kate, instead of Freckles.

Questions & Comments

  • Both Locke and Jack have failed suicide attempts.
  • Jack’s ex, Sarah, is pregnant. But why would she care enough to go to the hospital then refuse to take him home?
  • I loved how Rousseau was always first in line to lead the castaways to the radio tower. It was touching but at the same time uncomfortable to see her meet Alex, and that Rousseau's first words were to ask her to help tie up Ben.
  • How did each castaway get a backpack? Wouldn’t they have had luggage?
  • Richard was to take people to the Temple. What Temple?
  • Kate sees Juliet kiss Jack – on the lips!
  • Greta and Bonnie were thought to be in Canada. Why Canada?
  • If Penny doesn’t know Naomi, how does Naomi know who Penny is?
  • Ben tells Jack that he's going to have all of the people on the island killed, and that Naomi is not who she says she is. She is a Bad Guy and a representative of people who want to find the island. That's very mysterious. She gets shot by Locke. (And Rousseau elbows Ben in the face!) Locke also tells Jack that he's not supposed to make the call. Jack speaks with someone on the radio. Who is on the boat?
  • How far into the future was Jack’s flash forward?

Below are a few comments referring to the screen captures found at this site:

  • In one, Jack is sitting in his room with lots of maps. Is he trying hopelessly to get back to the island?
  • Close-up of a portion of Jack’s ripped newspaper article shows it’s from Los Angeles and says that a man was found dead, seemingly in New York, with the first letter of the first name J. The second letter looks like either an “a” or an “o,” which could mean it’s likely to be John Locke or James Ford, but why would no one but Jack attend their viewing or funeral?

Here are the links to interviews with Michael Emerson and William Mapother from the morning before the episode aired:

Michael Emerson, AKA Ben

William Mapother, AKA Ethan

It’s going to be a long eight months before the next episode airs in February!